5-Day Money Makin' Challenge 

This challenge is all about you putting yourself in momentum, confidently sharing your offers, learning more about the energetics around money, and expanding your comfort zone so that you can show up fully for your audience.


Each day includes:

  • Money audio lesson - it's time to tap into the money makin' vibes & learn more about how to attract more abundance into your life
  • Journal prompt for reflection on your money mindset & current finances
  • Sales action step that helps you expand your comfort zone so that you can start makin' those sales


Who is Allison Henderson? 

Allison Henderson is an international Business Coach & Instagram expert for ambitious coaches who are looking to grow their online business through social media. Allison's background is in event and radio sales and has worked with top brands like Dunkin Donuts, Miller Lite, Bud Light, and more. In the past 3 years, she has worked with nearly 200 female coaches in a variety of industries teaching them how to make money & get clear on their sales & marketing strategy. She is the founder of Social Media Sales Blueprint, her signature business coaching program. Her program has helped multiple coaches triple their income, close over a dozen clients in one month, and replace their corporate income.

Website: https://www.allisonhendersoncoaching.com

Instagram: @allisonhenderson_coach

Work w/ Allison